Monday, February 18

The current.

"I'm fine." - I'm not so okay.

"I'm happy for you." - I'm happy but I'm sad too because it's none of my business anyway.

"If you are happy, then I am happy too." - Trying to force myself to be happy as well, just for you.

"I have fun!" - I am so fucking happy that I will kiss your ass. Right here, right now.

I was happy, a minute ago.
Everything seems fine and close to perfect.
I got nothing to worry of and I love how the way it is now.

But, I am a sentitive, emotional human being.

I got feelings too even I don't show it on my hillarious face.
I feel the pains too even I'm putting on a big wide smile with my bad messy teeth on my face.
I got roller coaster ride of ups and downs too.
I am afraid of losing things I like and people I love so much. Just like all the people do.

Yes, I am a sentitive,emotional human being afterall.

Please do not take my sincere for granted.
It will took me a long, long time to recover.

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